
I am a femme/ sticky

such slick/ wet/ monster of all things yet to be/ good

i soil/ grow breasts on dry land,

nourish this ground i cannot always walk on.

eat my own menses/ & still claim vegetarianism

on days when i can lift my hand to my gaping mouth.

i refuse to eat/ a living thing so thank god/ for me

i have given up on saving men this year/ they are so good for the skin

i drool/ or terrify for once i do not want

i anchor/ glutton myself so deep into a Heaven where there is/ one less yearning teat/ one less thing to refuse myself of

my god/ i have never been so full

or so free


KIKI NICOLE is a yung negro artist trying to remember how to breathe in the Pacific Northwest. They are a Pink Door Fellow and a member of the Spring 2017 Queer Emerging Artist Residency cohort at Destiny Arts Center. Their work has appeared in Wus Good Magazine, Radar Productions' GLOW Queer Poetry Feature, Voicemail Poems and elsewhere. Find them in the middle of the club with a book in their hands and a subtle twerk.