Checking In

Zara Williams
Content Warnings
Editor's Note
Dear Monsters, We hope this reaches you well...
Dec 29, 2021 7:37 PM

Dear Monsters,

We hope this reaches you well.

These are turbulent times we live in. We cling to hope—to family and friends; to Zoom calls; to Netflix watchalongs—and wait to see what each new day has in store for us.

When this is all over, there will be talk of a before: of a pre- and post-coronavirus world. But for the moment, we are living in the schism between. And while we are here, all we can do is wait, and help each other. And perhaps that looks different now than it did a few months ago. Perhaps it’s leaving your grandparents some groceries, rather than having them over for dinner. Perhaps it’s being on the other end of the line when your friend needs to vent, rather than meeting with them for coffee. Perhaps what we can do is limited in ways it wasn’t before, but perhaps that makes every act of care that much more meaningful.

Whatever your world looks like right now, we here at Monstering hope that you are safe and well, and doing all you can to protect yourself and those around you.

Things have been quiet on our end, but fear not: we’re still plugging away. We are still working on our third issue, aiming for a summer release. It is our hope this will give our readers a bright spot to aim for amidst all this chaos. In the meantime, we will be getting the Monstering blog back on its feet, bringing you weekly content from our staff. We truly hope this gives you a little something to look forward to every week, something to help you keep going.

Finally, monsters, we would love to hear from you. How are you doing? What ways have you found to cope with this bewildering COVID-19 world? Is there anything you’d like to see from us, anything that would help? Reach out to us on Twitter @monsteringmag to let us know.

Take care, and look after one another,

Zara Williams


Dear Monsters,

We hope this reaches you well.