The Work Doesn't Stop Here

Zara Williams
Content Warnings
Editor's Note
Dear Monsters, At Monstering, we have always been dedicated “to upholding and uplifting diverse voices.” ...
Dec 29, 2021 7:37 PM

Dear Monsters,

At Monstering, we have always been dedicated “to upholding and uplifting diverse voices.” Our main goal has always been to provide a safe space for disabled and chronically ill people to make themselves heard—but this by no means should come at the cost of excluding LGBTQ+ or BIPOC voices. On the contrary, we have always believed in intersectionality, and in work that explores it.

We hope, then, that it does not come as a surprise to our readers when we say that Monstering is 100% behind the #BlackLiveMatter movement.

Over on Twitter, we have been sharing resources and petitions which we hope have been of some use to our followers. We are a small magazine, and do not have the biggest reach, however this cannot stop us—and should not stop you—from speaking out against racism, and from supporting the Black community in the fight for justice and an end to police brutality.

We are currently looking into ways that we, as a magazine, can provide more material support to the Black community. But, in the meantime, we have put together this list of resources which we hope will be of use to our readers. This list is by no means exhaustive and should not be treated as such. Please do some research for yourself into what other causes you can support. White people and non-Black POC, please educate yourselves on anti-racism and what it means. Sit with the discomfort, and pass on what you have learned.

We have reached a crucial point in all of this. It has been two weeks since George Floyd’s murder. It has been two weeks of protest and rebellion. Two weeks of signing petitions, donating to bail funds, amplifying Black voices. But this battle is far from over, and we cannot afford to lose momentum now. The work does not stop here.

Look after yourselves. Rest up. Refresh. But don’t give up. Rest so you can come back fighting. Refresh so you can do what needs to be done, day in, day out.

Take care, and look after one another,

Zara  Williams



Black Minds Matter UK

Black LGBTQIA+ Therapy Fund

Homeless Black Trans women fund

Justice for Breonna Taylor

Official Brandon Saenz Medical Fund

Official George Floyd Memorial Fund

Split your donation between 70+ bail funds, mutual aid funds, and racial justice organisers



Advancement Project

American Civil Liberties Union

Black Health Alliance

Black Legal Action Centre

Black Lives Matter

Black and Pink

Campaign Zero

Color of Change

Communities United for Police Reform

LGBTQ+ Freedom Fund

The Loveland Foundation — Therapy Fund for Black Women and Girls

The Movement for Black Lives

National Police Accountability Project

The Okra Project

PETITIONS (Note: Please do NOT donate to

This Carrd has links to a number of petitions, some of which are included below, and a list of zip codes to use to sign petitions if you are international.

This Google doc has an extensive list of links to other petitions and donations.

Disbarment of George E. Barnhill

Justice for Ahmuad Arbery

Justice for Big Floyd


Justice for Breonna Taylor

Justice for George Floyd

Justice for Regis Korchinski

Justice for Tamir Rice

Justice for Tony McDade

Mandatory Life Sentence for Police Brutality


28 Essential Books About Race and Racism

A Guide to Allyship

Antiracism Resources

Black Lives Matter and Say Their Names — links to petitions, donations, and resources

BLM List of Various Resources

Black Mental Health Matters — mental health resources for Black people, including crisis lines

Folder of free PDFs of critical readings

List of free/affordable mental health resources

List of resources including information for protestors and for self-care

Masterlist of Resources and Actions

Thread of free PDFs of books about race, police abolition, class, etc.

Thread of ways to donate for free through streaming; another here.

Use Your Voice — staying safe during protests, and what to bring


400+ Black-Owned Etsy Shops

Black Creators Matter

Supporting Black Artists and Businesses During COVID-19 Crisis

Thread of Black-owned makeup, skincare, hair and fashion brands

Thread of Black creators you can support