Field Notes of a Void Traveller
One of their poets imagined time
as a blind boy, running,
insensible to his surroundings [And yet they insist on mapping
yet forever in chase their futures.
of a pair of eyes No, future.
that can only look backward. Drawing plans that admit no
affordance for change, absence,
[As they 'age', so too do
their surroundings.
Long periods of absence result in
They change, with time. grime and dereliction.]
They celebrate
their arrival at
landmarks on their future-maps [Many of these landmarks involve
and mourn relationships with others [[Relationships appear
when the maps prove faulty. of their kind. to be a defining trait
Beginning and endings.] of their existence.
Constancy correlated with
A major field of
See Appendix 👭]]
They treasure continuum. [Is this because they exist without
Wholeness, oneness. interruption
Completion. They cannot conceive of worth
Closure. in a life
A broken object must be repaired ruptured,
or thrown away. diffracted, iterated,
There is no value in vanished and reappeared,
fragments. because to them this is not
life at all.]