INCANDESCENCE — With anger, with passion, with light. Edited by Kristen Tollan Released in paperback in October 2020 Arrived on the web in March 2021 Featuring work by: Kara Dorris Emily Gillespie Uma Dwivedi and more! 🌟All Monstering Works daily rituals A.C. Gerhard None dried up E. Kristen Anderson Ableism now you know what’s in me E. Kristin Anderson None my mind on the gap E. Kristin Anderson None corpus (or, somewhere the body) Effie Benveniste None un/body Elliot Voorhees None canadian millenial dream pen Emily Gillespie None your body is a casino Heather Taylor Johnson None one through ten Jennifer Bradpiece None setting the table Kara Dorris Ableism self-portrait as wikipedia entry Kara Dorris Substance UseDeathAssault/Abuse/Violence ars poetica with physical therapist Kara Dorris None editor's note Kristen Tollan None bugonia Lillian Hochwender Body Horror passages Lynn Guttman None natural woman Lynn Guttman None habitat Lynn Guttman None on how dogs choose their people Lynne Schmidt None burqueños Madison Bertenshaw Sexual content my litany of pleasure for a body in pain Marissa Spear Sexual content disappearing acts Rachel Stewart Body Negativity the migraineur addresses dr. honeydew and beaker Rita Maria Martinez None the migraineur watches x-men apocalypse Rita Maria Martinez None the greatest american hero Rita Maria Martinez None plastic woman Rita Maria Martinez None when trans goes out of style Sarah Cavar None lose your inhibitions Sophia Cannizzaro Substance Use frankenstein’s monster and michelangelo’s angel Uma Dwivedi None where my limbs hung far and fair Xuan Nyugen None you can write this for me, too Yiyi None